
Genesis 12

God is faithful to His promises. We have been let down by others before. Sometimes it’s been a friend not showing up when we were going to connect. Sometimes a family member who was going to help organize our parents Anniversary. Sometimes from our spouse who promised they would finish a task. And we know we’ve let others down. We project this experience on our relationship with God assuming He will also let us down. So instead of trusting Him with a difficult situation or when there are seemingly impossible odds, we take matters into our own hands. But God is completely and entirely dependable. How we depend on God will be passed on to our children. Twice Abraham lies about who Sarah is for fear of his life. Isaac then follows in the pattern. How can God break this pattern of sin in our lives as we teach our children that God is dependable.

Join us livestream this Mother’s day as we reflect on the reliability of our God, even when faced with insurmountable odds and how we teach our children to live like that. The notes are attached.